At Appleseed Eyecare, we understand the inconvenience of dry eye symptoms. Allow us to provide a thorough treatment plan for those who suffer from dry eye.
Dry eye syndrome (DES), also known as dry eye disease, is a condition in which a person doesn’t have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eye. Tears are necessary for maintaining the health of the front surface of the eye and for providing clear vision.
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Often times, with dry eye suffers, it is found that there is an imbalance of the ratio of healthy fats in the body. Therefore the meibomian glands, located at the ridge of the eyelids, may become inflamed and the oil they produce becomes thick. Thickening of the oil causes blockages in the glands and prevents the production of the important tear film lipid layer. Without this lipid layer, the tear layer evaporates, resulting in dry eyes and blurred vision.
Dry eyes can be a chronic condition, but your optometrist can prescribe treatment to keep your eyes healthy and comfortable and to prevent your vision from being affected.
The primary approaches used to manage and treat dry eyes include adding tears using over-the-counter artificial tear solutions, oral supplements, increasing tear production, and treating the inflammation of the eyelids or eye surface that contributes to the dry eyes.
If you suspect that you have dry eye, schedule an appointment with your eye care provider. Proper care will not only increase your comfort – it will protect your eyes. Your eye care provider at Appleseed Eyecare can perform a series of tests to determine if you have dry eyes. Yearly vision exams are vital to early detection and management of ocular diseases.
To learn more about the differences between a routine vision exam vs a medical exam, click here.
At Appleseed Eyecare, our goal is to provide the latest and most convenient treatment plans for those who struggle with meibomian gland dysfunction.
Meibomian refers to a particular type of gland in the eyelids. There are about 25 to 40 meibomian glands in the upper eyelid and 20 to 30 in the lower eyelid. The function of these glands is to secrete oils onto the surface of the eye. These oils help keep the tears from evaporating too quickly.
Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is a blockage or some other abnormality of the meibomian glands so they are unable to secrete enough oil into the tears. Since the tears then evaporate too quickly, MGD is a leading cause of dry eye syndrome and is associated with an eyelid problem called blepharitis.
The most common treatment recommended for MGD is applying warm compresses to the eyelids, followed by massaging the eyelids. The goal of this treatment was to melt and express any thickened oil clogging the openings of meibomian glands.
Other treatments include meibomian gland probing, performed by your eye doctor, to unclog the opening and main duct of your meibomian glands as well as lid and lash maintenance. After anesthetic eye drops are applied to the eye, your doctor uses a hand-held instrument to probe and dilate the openings of your meibomian glands near the base of your eyelashes.
Oftentimes, our doctors recommend dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids as an additional treatment to one of the MGD treatments above. A diet rich in omega-3s also may decrease the risk of future episodes of meibomian gland dysfunction. It appears these essential fatty acids may help suppress inflammation associated with MGD and decrease the risk of waxy build-up within the meibomian glands.
Remember, only your eye doctor can tell for sure if you have meibomian gland dysfunction and determine the best MGD treatment options for your particular needs. If you suffer from dry, irritated eyes, make an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam and dry eye evaluation today.
To learn more about the differences between a routine vision exam vs a medical exam, click here.